In a daring attempt to face off with the #1 performance car on the market, Audi launches a national campaign with it’s new 2009 A4 on a billboard with the words, “Your Move BMW.”
So how does BMW respond?
This probably set Audi back a few million dollars… egg on their face and I’m sure one fired marketing exec.
Because there is no coming back from this.
In the game of chess, checkmate means “GAME OVER…You lose!”
BMW brilliantly ended the “game” for Audi….in this billboard war at least.
This is the same approach you should take in your market. Ending the game.
One of the ways I’ve ended the game with so-called competitors in the past was by calling them “normal’ or “regular”
I might say, “Regular computer companies do ____, while we do _____.”
When a customer asks, “Wow, I didn’t know you offered this type of service…” I’d respond with, “…Normal companies don’t do this.”
I never called a competitor’s name like Audi attempted to do…never had to. The customers saw the difference in the shear confidence in barely even recognizing other companies as ‘competition’.
In fact, in one ad, we use the phrase, “We don’t try to beat the competition, we ARE the competition!”
Boom, nail in coffin…game over.
How can you use “game-ending” language in your business?